Interwoven Through Time  ( Audio Book)


Chapter 1  Where am I really?

Chapter 2  Who am I really?

Chapter 3 Faded Paradise

Chapter 4 Lost alone and looking for hope

Chapter 5 How did I get here?

Chapter 6 Who had I become?

Chapter 7 Shattered dreams

Chapter 8 Childhood without hope

Chapter 9 Something more, something so much more..

Chapter 10 So much more, but what?

Chapter 11 Paradise coming into view

Chapter 12 Hope is coming just hold on.

Chapter 13 To risk it all..

Chapter 14 Jason’s fate..

Chapter 15 Compassion is shown, nut at what cost?

Chapter 16 Set free at last

Chapter 17 Is Paradise real?

Chapter 18 True Paradise found..

Chapter 19 Hope in the midst of sorrow..

Chapter 20 Never too unclean..

Chapter 21 Compassionate response.

Chapter 22  A Centurion sees the truth.

Chapter 23 Faith like no other..

Chapter 24  Conclusion